Reach out to current and former students with varied interests to find and suggest articles about CS current events for the class to read.

  • Including students in the process of picking out course material can make them feel welcome and invited.

    • This also gives students an invested interest in driving the class discussions and activities related to the article.

    • One way to solicit articles to provide a link on the course website for submitting article suggestions.

      • You may want to provide the option for anonymous submissions so students feel comfortable submitting a wide variety of articles they may not be comfortable with their classmates attributing to them.

  • This helps keep the course up-to-date because there is new articles interspersed throughout the consistent foundational materials.

  • During the semester/year, as students get more comfortable with the material and the class, they contribute more and varied articles

  • Incorporate this however is best for your course, it can be required, anonymous, for extra credit, or just for intellectual curiosity!

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