Build rapport with your class to create a comfortable learning environment. Remind students that overwhelming tasks, like undergoing code reviews, are stressful even for skilled programmers.

  • Share relevant jokes, anecdotes, or webcomics— these are often written by and for programmers, and can remind students that even as a professional, things like being reviewed are still stressful; sometimes humorously so!
  • Tell personal anecdotes about programming debacles. These remind students that they’re not alone.
  • Using humor in lectures can make them memorable and less intimidating. Save your favorite programming jokes!
    • Humor is a useful tool to make your students feel at ease.
  • A sense of (appropriate) informality reinforces a team spirit in the class.

More about this tip

External Source

Interview with Jim Huggins

Interview with John Dougherty

"So you want a code review... " by Ellen Spertus, under "Keeping perspective"