Have students write or explain how their open-ended project meets the rubric specifications to provide ample scaffolding to open-ended project success.

  • Open-ended project structure setup:
    • Provide students with examples of the types of projects they are going to create.
    • Give students a copy of the rubric you will use to grade the assignment and answer questions about the rubric.
    • Support students in working on the projects individually or in teams.
    • After students are finished with the content of the project, ask them to write or verbally explain how their project meets the requirements of the rubric.
      • This can make grading the student projects easier
      • This encourages students to reflect on what skills they demonstrate in the project.
      • This encourages creativity as well through justifying how their project artifacts are or may be "different" than others ("novel").

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External Source

Interview with Bradley Beth