Put debugging tips inside the test cases when you provide students with JUnit test cases to help students improve their own debugging abilities in Java.

  • Debugging tips often seem pointless and obvious to students when they don’t currently have a bug they’re trying to fix.

  • At that moment a test case fails, students will need to start debugging.

    • They'll look at the specific JUnit test case when it fails, which gives you a just in time delivery model for debugging tips.

    • If there are debugging suggestions within each test case, you can direct students to effective debugging strategies when they really need them.

  • Below is an example of JUnit tests with debugging tips embedded inside the test cases:

    import java.util.Arrays;

    import junit.framework.TestCase;

    public class Hw4pr3Test extends TestCase {

        // Examples of tips for debugging!

        public void testAppend_3_3_length() {

            int[] input1 = { 10, 20, 30 };

            int[] input2 = { 40, 50, 60 };

            int[] output = Hw7pr2.append(input1, input2);

            assertTrue(output.length == 6);

            // DEBUGGING: if this test case fails, try:

            // -- printing out output.length to see if it is too small or too big.

            // -- writing a simpler test case to see if the method works for simpler cases.

            // -- running only this test case (double click on the test name and then click "Run") so that it is easier to see your print statements.

            // -- adding print statements to the append method to see if it is behaving as you expect.

            // -- setting a breakpoint inside the append method to see if it is behaving as you expect.


        // Examples of (well formatted) print statements that the students might use

        public void testAppend_3_3() {

            int[] input1 = { 10, 20, 30 };

            int[] input2 = { 40, 50, 60 };

            int[] correct = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 };

            int[] output = Hw7pr2.append(input1, input2);

            // DEBUGGING: Remove comment for debugging (and double check variables being printed)

            // System.out.println("*** testAppend_3_3 ***");

            // System.out.println("input1: " + Arrays.toString(input1));

            // System.out.println("input2: " + Arrays.toString(input2));

            // System.out.println("correct:" + Arrays.toString(correct));

            // System.out.println("output: " + Arrays.toString(output));

            assertTrue(Arrays.equals(output, correct));


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Contribution from Colleen Lewis.