Have students make themselves cheat sheets so they are able to quickly look up syntax, which keeps them from spending too much time looking up these facts.

  • Make sure that students have a consistent place to take notes for referencing later.

    • You can have students use a dedicated notebook, Google doc, etc.

    • Having students write these by hand can be good practice for paper-based tests (e.g., the AP CS exam)

  • After students learn new programming constructs give them time during class to add this construct to their cheat sheet.

    • Entries should include the general structure in addition to at least one example from class.

      • This example may help them remember both the general pattern and a specific experience they have with the construct.

  • Say, "If I’ve written this on the board, it should be in your cheat sheet" to help students know what is important to write down and remember.

  • Allow students to use their cheat sheet on exams in class to motivate students to keep their cheat sheet up to date and helpful!

More about this tip

External Source

Interview with Aaron Cadle.