Provide students opportunities to analyze ethical dilemmas beyond their personal beliefs or preferences to ensure students get exposure to a wide variety of perspectives.

  • Based upon students’ preferred behavior, it can be hard for them to take a different perspective to analyze ethical problems.

  • Activity:

    • Give students a topic, like doctors sharing private medical information of their patients with other doctors or researchers.

    • Start the discussion by asking students "Is this fair?"

      • This can be helpful in evoking a gut reaction from students to gain a feel for the perspectives in the room.

    • Encourage students to consider the perspectives of others using the following strategies:

      • Work with students to get them to recognize and evaluate the initial reaction they had when you asked the question "Is this fair?"

      • Point out different sides of the arguments and encourage people to try and understand them, even if they’re different from their original perspective.

        • Here is a some sample statement using the doctor example:

          • "Consider that for doctors or researchers, limited access to data might limit their ability to help people."

          • "For individuals, the data might be used against them."

More about this tip

External Source

Interview with Richard Weiss.