Encourage students to stick with CS by providing them with role models and mentors in the tech fields.

  • Showing students proof that others have succeeded in the industry helps them to believe they can succeed.
  • Being exposed to a wide variety of careers in CS will help students find their niche and emphasize how applicable CS skills are to the elusive "real world."
  • Girls are often apprehensive of being the only girl in the room, but interacting with women mentors will make the tech industry seem like less of a "boys’ club."
  • SciGirls Seven tip: "Girls benefit from relationships with role models and mentors."
    • "Invite guest speakers, who work on the subjects you are studying at all levels, including high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, along with professional scientists.
      • Probe visitors to describe what their work looks like along with how they identify and ask questions, answer them, and share information with others.
      • Remind them to talk about their hobbies, interests, family and life outside of the lab.
      • Share the SciGirls Role Model Strategies to help them prepare for the event.
    • Invite guest scientists to help lead an activity. If you are unsure of their comfort level working with children, pair them with other educators or leaders. The experience will be valuable for both the students and the scientists!
    • If you can’t get someone live, show videos. Use SciGirls episodes to showcase peers as mentors.
    • Encourage mentor pairings for individual efforts such as science fair projects."

More about this tip

External Source

Jennifer Koebele's website, under "Encouraging an Interest in Computer Science"

SciGirls Seven Strategies and Interview with Sarah Carter