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Displaying 921 - 940 of 1129
Show students what code looks like with and without new programming constructs (e.g., methods, Objects, inheritance, loops, switch statements) to motivate the reasons for using new concepts.
Share Show students what code looks like with and without new programming constructs (e.g., methods, Objects, inheritance, loops, switch statements) to motivate the reasons for using new concepts. with FacebookShare Show students what code looks like with and without new programming constructs (e.g., methods, Objects, inheritance, loops, switch statements) to motivate the reasons for using new concepts. with Twitter -
Help students get their development environment up and running during the first class to avoid technological problems as the class progresses.
Share Help students get their development environment up and running during the first class to avoid technological problems as the class progresses. with FacebookShare Help students get their development environment up and running during the first class to avoid technological problems as the class progresses. with Twitter -
Draw concept maps in class, in groups, or individually on the last day of each unit to ensure all students have developed a correct and helpful model of the material covered.
Share Draw concept maps in class, in groups, or individually on the last day of each unit to ensure all students have developed a correct and helpful model of the material covered. with FacebookShare Draw concept maps in class, in groups, or individually on the last day of each unit to ensure all students have developed a correct and helpful model of the material covered. with Twitter -
Set aside class time to check in with students when they’re working on large (2-3+ weeks) group projects in order to catch them before they get derailed and create a project that doesn’t demonstrate assignment requirements.
Share Set aside class time to check in with students when they’re working on large (2-3+ weeks) group projects in order to catch them before they get derailed and create a project that doesn’t demonstrate assignment requirements. with FacebookShare Set aside class time to check in with students when they’re working on large (2-3+ weeks) group projects in order to catch them before they get derailed and create a project that doesn’t demonstrate assignment requirements. with Twitter -
Arrange the computers in your classroom in a layout that allows you to easily view what all the students are working on.
Ask a question that is tangential to the course content at the beginning of the course to teach students how to have a class discussion in low-stakes context so that students create a classroom environment that is safe for engaging in debates.
Share Ask a question that is tangential to the course content at the beginning of the course to teach students how to have a class discussion in low-stakes context so that students create a classroom environment that is safe for engaging in debates. with FacebookShare Ask a question that is tangential to the course content at the beginning of the course to teach students how to have a class discussion in low-stakes context so that students create a classroom environment that is safe for engaging in debates. with Twitter -
Use Productive Talk Moves to enhance class discussions in order have high quality discussions that engage everyone and further student understanding of the material.
Share Use Productive Talk Moves to enhance class discussions in order have high quality discussions that engage everyone and further student understanding of the material. with FacebookShare Use Productive Talk Moves to enhance class discussions in order have high quality discussions that engage everyone and further student understanding of the material. with Twitter -
Ask an open-ended question and encourage constant student participation, rather than responding to the class after each student makes a point, to lead engaging discussions and debates.
Share Ask an open-ended question and encourage constant student participation, rather than responding to the class after each student makes a point, to lead engaging discussions and debates. with FacebookShare Ask an open-ended question and encourage constant student participation, rather than responding to the class after each student makes a point, to lead engaging discussions and debates. with Twitter -
Create an anticipation guide to elicit prior knowledge, identify misconceptions, and prepare students for a lesson.
Line students up according to their familiarity with a concept, then pair nearby students so that students can work together in pairs more comfortably because of similar content competency.
Share Line students up according to their familiarity with a concept, then pair nearby students so that students can work together in pairs more comfortably because of similar content competency. with FacebookShare Line students up according to their familiarity with a concept, then pair nearby students so that students can work together in pairs more comfortably because of similar content competency. with Twitter -
Encourage girls to get involved in CS by emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in the industry and by informing them of the vast opportunities in the computer science industry.
Share Encourage girls to get involved in CS by emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in the industry and by informing them of the vast opportunities in the computer science industry. with FacebookShare Encourage girls to get involved in CS by emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in the industry and by informing them of the vast opportunities in the computer science industry. with Twitter -
Create a list of questions pertaining to the daily lab material that focus on the concepts of lab exercises to ask students, individually or in groups, to gauge student’s understanding of the material.
Share Create a list of questions pertaining to the daily lab material that focus on the concepts of lab exercises to ask students, individually or in groups, to gauge student’s understanding of the material. with FacebookShare Create a list of questions pertaining to the daily lab material that focus on the concepts of lab exercises to ask students, individually or in groups, to gauge student’s understanding of the material. with Twitter -
Create project videos to give students clear, verbal and visual explanations of what to do for a particular assignment.
Have students create a 2-3 minute videos of their project to demonstrate what it does and to synthesize the work they did for the project.
Share Have students create a 2-3 minute videos of their project to demonstrate what it does and to synthesize the work they did for the project. with FacebookShare Have students create a 2-3 minute videos of their project to demonstrate what it does and to synthesize the work they did for the project. with Twitter -
Challenge students to rethink their notions of computing and computers when discussing the social implications of computing.
Connect difficult programming constructs to concepts discussed in students’ concurrent coursework to help them anchor the information they’re learning and discover interdisciplinary connections.
Share Connect difficult programming constructs to concepts discussed in students’ concurrent coursework to help them anchor the information they’re learning and discover interdisciplinary connections. with FacebookShare Connect difficult programming constructs to concepts discussed in students’ concurrent coursework to help them anchor the information they’re learning and discover interdisciplinary connections. with Twitter -
Fold paper to demonstrate the effects of different complexities, (i.e., O(n)) using a physical analog to help students strengthen their understanding of this abstract topics.
Share Fold paper to demonstrate the effects of different complexities, (i.e., O(n)) using a physical analog to help students strengthen their understanding of this abstract topics. with FacebookShare Fold paper to demonstrate the effects of different complexities, (i.e., O(n)) using a physical analog to help students strengthen their understanding of this abstract topics. with Twitter -
Misconception: Students incorrectly believe that variables passed into a block in Snap! will get modified; however, a copy of the passed-in variable is what the block receives and modifies.
Share Misconception: Students incorrectly believe that variables passed into a block in Snap! will get modified; however, a copy of the passed-in variable is what the block receives and modifies. with FacebookShare Misconception: Students incorrectly believe that variables passed into a block in Snap! will get modified; however, a copy of the passed-in variable is what the block receives and modifies. with Twitter -
Use sounds in Scratch to make it clear when particular lines of code are being executed because it can be really hard for students to figure out the order of execution.
Share Use sounds in Scratch to make it clear when particular lines of code are being executed because it can be really hard for students to figure out the order of execution. with FacebookShare Use sounds in Scratch to make it clear when particular lines of code are being executed because it can be really hard for students to figure out the order of execution. with Twitter